There are also keyboard shortcuts to open the task manager, depending on the device you are using: Press Shift + Esc to open the Chrome Task Manager on a Windows computer. On a Mac computer, select Window from the top menu bar, then select Task Manager. There are other, faster ways to open the Chrome Task Manager. How do I open Chrome Task Manager on Mac? When the submenu appears, select the option labeled Task manager to open the task manager on the screen. When the drop-down menu appears, hover your mouse over the More tools option. The icon is indicated by three vertically aligned dots. Select the Chrome menu button in the upper-right corner of the browser window. You will find columns for Memory, CPU, Network, and Process ID. By default, it shows you tasks running, and the amount of system resources a tab or process is using. Microsoft Edge Browser Task Manager When the Browser Task Manager opens you will notice it is virtually identical to Google Chrome’s Task Manager. To open Chrome’s Task Manager, click the “More” button (three dots), hover over “More Tools,” and then click on “Task Manager.” Alternatively, press Shift+Esc on Windows or Search+Esc on Chrome OS to open Task Manager. By default, the Activity Monitor opens on the CPU tab.Press the ?-Option-Esc shortcut on your Mac to bring up the Force Quit utility.One frequent thing new Mac users seem to look for is the Task Manager.How do you find the task manager on a Mac? Yeah, no Task Manager in Safari, and it doesn’t appear that the tabs run as separate processes: the system Activity Monitor shows many processes for Chrome when it has multiple open tabs but just one for Safari when it has multiple open tabs.